"Il Circolo Mazzei (PIP #6) convened on January 22, 2011 to start our year off. Ten attendees shared issues of Italian-American related periodicals, online links and research methodologies. The group also shared suggestions for genealogical travel and heard a summary from Jane Ferrigno (#3693) about her attendance at the POINT National Conference—2010. We discussed changing the format of our meeting periodically to include guest speakers and tutorial lectures. To that end, we are attempting to schedule "Writing the Family Narrative as a Technique for Breaking Brick Walls" by Rebecca Koford on April 23, 2011.
Check our Website for final details (http://circolomazzei.50webs.com/).
We also reminded each other of this year's "Roots in the Boots Conference" in June (http://rootsintheboot.org/).
After closing this quarterly, seven of us met for lunch at a local pizza establishment and continued conversations. "
For further information on our chapter, visit:
for past minutes and future meetings and events.
"Il Circolo Mazzei (PIP #6) gathered on April 23, 2011 continuing our quarterly meetings. Twelve attendees shared research problems and resources of Italian-American genealogy. Five of our members attended NARA's Seventh Annual Genealogy Fair (http://www.archives.gov/dc-metro/know-your-records/genealogy-fair/). Our July 16 meeting will have an altered format and will be focused on
a presentation "Writing the Family Narrative as a Technique for Breaking Brick Walls" by Rebecca Koford. Check circolomazzei.50webs.com for meeting details. A brief summary of our
discussions follows:
Joe Pelczar -- has a friend whose relatives emigrated to Peru around 1880 and wonders what circumstances or events may have contributed to the re-location. Although some in our group recalled that there was perhaps homesteading offered, Joe countered that these relatives did not own property.
Margaret Cutino (#3538) -- provided a link to a resource on Italian military records: https://wiki.familysearch.org/en/Italy_Military_Records. She also handed out some Easter time Italian recipes. She also recommended that we review about civilian records at http://www.archives.gov/publications/ref-info-papers/110/using-civilian-records-for-genealogical-research-rip110.pdf.
Anne Jeffery (#4845) -- shared the site http://www.picaboo.com/ and showed a sample that she recently produced. The "book" can be bought by those wanting it rather than the owner printing and sending them and they can be augmented/updated by others.
Marie V. Melchiori (#2828) -- gave presentations/advice at the genealogy fair and reported that the two-day event averaged about 2,000 people per day. Marie mentioned two resources that are
worthwhile: Finding Your Italian Ancestors--A Beginners Guide. Suzanne Russo Adams and personalhistorian.com. The latter one is a writer's tool and reminder that offers memory triggers to apply to dates/events in one's person history account.
Rod Paolini -- has found Sharon Carmack's book, Italian-American Family History, A Guide.
Barb Morten (#?) -- showed some examples of her organizing annotated photographs using PowerPoint and keeping records chronology of each family member in Word with tables.
John DiBela (#?) -- reported that the Fairfax Genealogical Society offers education on family history writing (http://www.fxgs.org/sigs.html). He also reminded us of the annual Roots In The Boots, which is June 18, 2011 (rootsintheboot.org).
Stephen Carfora (#1279) -- is renewing his interest in his research (beginning with this meeting!) and is planning a trip to Italy to further it.
Kay Hill (#4183) -- longs for the print publication of POINTers, but was able to relay that she is able to sync the PDF version to her iPad for portable reading.
David Ciummo (#4638) -- when we were discussing trips to Italy mentioned the Website www.pentriatur.com for areas around Isernia, as well as others. "
For further information on our chapter, visit:
for past minutes and future meetings and events.
"At the Mazzei Chapter meeting on July 16, 2011, we received an live presentation titled "Writing the Family Narrative as a Technique for Breaking Brick Walls" by Rebecca Koford (http://www.apgen.org/directory/search_detail.html?mbr_id=3612 and http://news.yahoo.com/reel-tributes-welcomes-director-genealogy-rebecca-whitman-koford-140607452.html). The presentation covers organizing and focusing for research and incorporating timelines and maps for charting movements that might show where to look for additional information when there are gaps or
"brick walls."
Our next meeting is scheduled for October 22, 2011
(http://circolomazzei.50webs.com/index.html#next) during which we will
discuss future programs of events and share our own brick walls."
For further information on our chapter, visit:
for past minutes and future meetings and events.
"Attendance at the latest Mazzei Chapter of PIP was very light at four people. Discussion mainly centered around Maria CAMPIONE's difficulty in discovering more about her grandfather, Angelo CAMPIONE. Although she has a fancy certificate of naturalization, it does not give much information. We recommended acquiring the application for naturalization from Kings County, New York, which may have details. Since she is unaware of his comune of origin, it will help to have a date of arrival. A search of the cognome shows greater occurrence in Sicily. Margaret CUTINO shared her copies of "Voce Italiana" newspapers and once again has offered to volunteer her time to NIAF activities. Watch our website for our January meeting date."
For further information on our chapter, visit:
for past minutes and future meetings and events.